The Carrot River Valley Watershed, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds, Environment and Climate Change Canada and other member watersheds are excited to announce the launch of the Saskatchewan Tree for Life Program. This program is aimed at educating and increasing public awareness of climate change and to promote positive environmental impact by distributing and planting 24000 trees across Saskatchewan.
Trees help mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon. A young tree can absorb 13 pounds of CO2 each year, and approximately 48 pounds of CO2 per year at 10 years of age. Trees provide habitat for wildlife and pollinators and are instrumental in reducing erosion and nutrient loading along shorelines resulting in improved water quality of lakes, rivers, and wetlands.
We will be distributing trees in mid to late May. To receive your tree(s), we are asking people to participate in our Climate Change Survey and take pictures of their planted tree. By doing this, you are eligible to win 1 of 10 $500 gift cards! Just upload your picture on social media, use #SKTreeforLife and tag us using one of four social media handles:
Facebook – @SKTreeForLifeProgram
Instagram – @SKTreeforLife
Twitter – @sk_program
LinkedIn – sk-tree-for-life
For more information contact us or visit https://saskwatersheds.ca/saskatchewan-tree-for-life-program/
Also check out our supplier Shelterbelt who was able to provide the watersheds in Saskatchewan with all these tree seedlings. This site will also have a more in depth explanation of the trees and their requirements. https://www.help-shelterbelts.com/#/
Also check out the article in Nipawin Journal. The CRVWA planted some trees with the Wagner High School Grade 11/12 class. The high school planted around 200 seedlings. Nipawin Journal Article
All the Trees for Life Program have been spoken and delivered to for the 2021 Summer Season. Please call 306-752-1270 for more information for the upcoming year.