The Melfort Burger & Fries Farm

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burgerandfriesSince 2014, students in Melfort have had the opportunity to participate in a fun and interactive educational project where they learn more about agriculture and food production by growing the ingredients for a burger and fries lunch.  This project consists of two field days for the students.  The spring field day has the students plant the garden and see the freshly emerging agricultural crops that will grow into the commodities used as ingredients for the burgers, fries and condiments including ketchup, mustard and relish.  At the fall field day, students have the opportunity to see the crops harvested, harvest the garden, and learn about how the ingredients become the foods that we eat.  The students move through a series of stations at each field day, and learn about topics including farm safety, beef production, crop production, the importance of water in agriculture and food production, dairy production, vegetable production and pollination, and more.  We are proud to be one of the founding partners for this fun and meaningful project, and this project is made possible through the generous volunteer support, donations, and partnerships with many local businesses and individuals.