Happy Holidays from the CRVWA!
Season’s Greetings from the Board and Staff of the Carrot River Valley Watershed Association! Our office will be closed December 23-January 3 as we take some time to enjoy the holiday season with our family and friends. Thank you for your continued support of the CRVWA and all the best in 2017.
Kitchen Table Workshops – Let us bring the workshop to you!
Are you interested in finding out about the Farm Stewardship Program (FSP) and the Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program (FRWIP)? Don’t want to miss out on funding opportunities for your farming operation? The Carrot River Valley Watershed Technician is coming out to farms over the next couple of months to give producers the run down on these two programs at no cost or obligation to you. All you need to do is book a time with our Technician, invite over a few of your neighbours, supply the coffee, and then sit back, listen and learn about these programs and cost-shared funding available to producers in our area!
Each kitchen table visit can be tailored to suite your specific needs. Various topics can be discussed such as water source development & management, waterway erosion control, forage conversion for erosion control or salinity control, variable rate fertilizer application, creek crossings, grain bag recycling, and more. Land can be pre-assessed for eligibility for forage conversion and we supply aerial imagery of land you are considering completing a project on at each visit.
Invite your neighbours out, swap project ideas, ask questions, and make a fun afternoon or evening of it! Our Technician can fill your applications out with you and help identify cost-shared funding programs that may be a fit for your project ideas. Take this opportunity to connect with your local Agri-Environmental Group Plan Technician and be kept in the loop on future opportunities.
FRWIP applications must be received by August 1, 2017. All claim forms for approved projects must be submitted by February 15, 2018.
FSP pre-approval applications must be received by June 30, 2017. All claim forms for approved projects and all rebate applications must be received by January 31, 2018.
Simply contact Charlotte Gayler, AAg at the Carrot River Valley Watershed Association at 306-920-8166 or 306-752-1270 or email crwatershedaegp@gmail.com to book your kitchen table workshop today!